We specialize in meeting your fitness needs, no matter what your goals. CrossFit itself focuses on using constantly varied, functional movements performed at high intensity to increase all around fitness, that is raising all aspects of your fitness to the highest level possible without sacrificing any other aspects.

Panel 1

Fitness In 100 Words

“Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: Deadlift, clean, squat, presses, C&J and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports”.
– Copyright Greg Glassman

Panel 2

Our Coaching Team


I have been involved in many sports throughout my life, varying from social participation to state and national level competition. I am currently operating and coaching Nitro full time. Previously I was employed as an Intensive Care Nursing Officer in Australian Airforce and I have proudly served our country in Afghanistan. After being introduced to CrossFit I have changed the way I see and define fitness. I currently hold a Level 2 certification as a CrossFit trainer. My involvement in CrossFit has led to a desire to assist in the transformation of those in the community who have an aspiration to better their lives through fitness. As a dedicated father and husband I also believe in strong family ties; a family that plays together stays together. As such I have also completed my CrossFit Kids certification, allowing CrossFit Nitro to offer both adults and kids the same fun active lifestyle that CrossFit has afforded my family and I. From as young as 3 through to Grandmothers, I can work together with all ages assisting you to achieve fitness and lifestyle goals. If you want to be an elite level CrossFit athlete or just want to use CrossFit to better your fitness I can help. My vision for CrossFit Nitro is to enhance the community’s ability to live a longer, fitter, stronger and happier life. If you also have this desire don’t hesitate contact us now and we can work together and before you know it you too can be achieving your fitness and lifestyle dreams.

Level 2 CrossFit Trainer
CrossFit Kids Trainer
Level 1 Club Weightlifting and Sports Power Coach


I started CrossFit in January 2012 when my husband began coaching. I noticed the effect CrossFit had on my husband’s health and happiness and thought I really should give it a go, mainly for the purpose to loose some unwanted kgs.  Initially, I wasn’t sure if I would be ‘fit enough’ to participate in this type of exercise but quickly learned that CrossFit truly suited everyone, regardless of fitness. When people asked me what CrossFit was, it was hard to explain, and I would often just ‘recite a definition’.  It didn’t take long before I was I was volunteering to explain the concepts and  benefits rather than hiding from people in case they asked.

Throughout my 3 years, I can’t believe the passion I now have to continue my own training and also assist others improve their lives in many ways.  I completed my coaching course in 2013 and have not looked back, enjoying the opportunity to take on one of Nitro’s coaching roles.

Being a registered teacher and currently working in a Kindergarten, caring for children and working with the family unit is held very closely to me. I bring this value to Nitro and see this as our extended family.

Family is very important to us here at Nitro and we are very proud to work together as mother, father and son, providing our clients and their families with a welcoming atmosphere.

Level 1 CrossFit Trainer
CPR & First aid currency
Blue card holder

Panel 3


We are very proud of the positive support each of members show to each other. An annual award is presented to our Inspirational athletes, that is, those who help and inspire fellow CrossFitter’s. Here are just some of the comments Nitro members have written about each other when voting for this award.

“Always a positive attitude to training and cheering everyone on, as well as encouraging and forging amazing friendships.”

 “Her determination to be the best has inspired me to take a chance and go for it! She has showed me to never fear and give it a go.”

 “Shows how far you can progress and push yourself. Always encouraging others.”

“Always encouraging and giving great advice and training tips and techniques, as well as cheering others on, while always being humble about his ability.”

Panel 4

Location, Contact, Hours


7/89 Jijaws Street
Sumner, QLD, 4074

Contact and Hours

Monday-Friday: 5–10:30am, 5:30–7:30pm
Saturday: 7–9am